Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Plan for the Indiviidual Lesson V + Self Evaluation

Class: 1a                                                                                                          Date: 11th Jan 2011
Level: Intermediate
Topic: A Job Interview
Aims: To introduce questions and answers for job interview;
           To develop listening and speaking skills.
Materials: Student book, Solutions Intermediate
                 Workbook, Solutions Intermediate

What if

2 min
The T greets the S and asks to sit down. The T briefly introduces the plan of the lesson.
The S greet the T and take their sits. Listn to the plan of the lesson.
To create a pleasant atmosphere and to catch Ss’ attention.

Listening activity

3 min
The T asks to look at exerciseone onece again (the S did it during the previuos lesson too). Explains that the S  have to listen to the dialogue and read it one more time at once. After that the T asks to focus on the job atvertisements below the dialogue. Then The S read all the advertisements and the T asks which job Callum (a speaker) applied for.
The S listen to what the T is explaining. Listen carefully to the dialogue once again. The S concentrate on the job advertisements. Finally, the S find out the answer to the question asked by the T.
To develop listening skills. To check whether the S understood everything thet had heard.


3-5 min
The T asks one of the S to read the task of  Ex.2. Explains  one more time what the S have to do. She asks to find out the phrases in the dialogue from Ex.1. The T asks to work individually and checks the answers after a while. Also the T asks about some other phrases which might be unknown for the S.

One of the S reads the task. The S listen to the T’s explanations and start doing the task. Check after a while by reading in turns.
To expand the Ss’ vocabulary. To check Ss’s understanding about other words.

ciations actvity

5 min
The T explains the following task. The Tplays the recording once for the S. Then asks them to listen to the intonation and decide in which of the questions it goes up at the end. After that, if the S feel confused about the answers about the intonation, the T helps them and explains when the intontions goes up at the end.
The S listn to the recording once. Before that they are asked to underline the questions they can hear and see in the dialogue. Think about the intonations, try to repeat and provide their answers.
To develop listening skills.o present the  rules on the pronunciation of YES/NO and WH-questions.

Listning activity

5 min
Before the T plays the recording, she explains the foloowing task. The S have to match the definitions with the 4 jobs in the box. After that the T plays the recording and asks which of the 4 jobs it is.
The S Listen to what the T is saying about the task they are going to do. Then match the 4 jobs with their definitions and after that the S listen to the recording and anwer the T’s question.
To develop listening skills. To expand the Ss’ vocabulary.

Listening activity
3-5 min
The T asks to take a look at Ex.5. The T asks to listen to the recording once again. They have to number the questions in the order that they hear them. Before that the T asks to look through the questions. The, after the S had heard the recording and numbering, she asks about the number of the answers they can recall: how many answers can all of you remember?
The S look through the questions. They are ready to listen to the recording one more time. The S number the questions in the correct order. After that they try to recall  the possible answers to those questions.
To develop listening skills. O develop the ability to recall the information they had heard.


Setting homework
(summarising )
5 min

The T reminds that the next time they are going to do some revision in order to get ready for the test. Sets HW for the next time. Asks some questions about the lesson. (What have you learnt?). Finally, the T says goodbye to the S.
Listen to what the T is saying. Write down their HW for the next time. Answer the T’s questions and after all, the S say goodvye to the T.

*If there is still some time left, the T asks to open their workbooks and start checking HW.

To start with, I would like to say some words about the length of the lesson. Last Friday the older students in my school were having a party, I mean they were celebrating the last hundreds days to the state exams. For this reason, the lessons for the rest of the pupils were shortened. As You can see my lesson lasten only 30 minutes, actually it is nothing. Moreover, that morning the roads were congested and the traffic was terrible. For the first time, I was stucked in  a long traffic jam. Finally, I was late to my lesson. Fortunatelly, my mentor was very kind and started the lesson instead of me. I was late for about 5 minutes, so I did not miss much but still I could not work according to my plan and to be honest, I did not manage to achieve all the aims and objectives of my lesson. I just hurried as much as I could to do at least half of that I had planned. Talking about the evaluation of my lesson, I am a little bit confused, just because of that I was late, and the lesson was really short.  Still, I think I did my best that time too. I tried to be precise as always. The students were very satisfied with party which was taking place, so they could not concentrate on our work but they were quite silent and I guess waiting for the starting weekend. Fridays are always hard, just as like as Mondays are.  I managed to full fill the biggest part of my plan, we did almost all the exercises I wanted to do but the speed we did them was not normal and I saw that the children were a little bit in  misunderstanding. I think it was a normal reaction because we usually try to do as much as we can but this time it was something unbelievable. Finally, I still think, it was a good experience to try myself and to fit in that short time limit and still do semething necessary.

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