Thursday, February 10, 2011

A plan for the Individual Lesson IV + Self Evaluation

Class: 1a                                                                                                         
Level: Intermediate
Topic: Non-defining Relative Clauses
Aims: To present the main rules and the theory on Non-defining Relative Clauses;
           To use the rules in practice
Materials: Student book, Solutions Intermediate
                 Workbook, Solutions Intermediate

What if
Checking homework

5-7 min
The T greet the S and asks to sit down. Asks to open their workbooks on pg. 23. Start checking homework. The T checks whether all the S did their homework. Asks to read in turns.  Corrects the mistakes at once.
Greet the T and take their sits. Open their workbooks and show whether they did. Start reading and checking for mistakes at once. The S read in turns.
To create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. To check how the S worked at home.

Introduction to the new topic

2 min
The T introduces the new topic. Translates it into Lithuanian at once. Asks the S which relative pronouns they know/remember from the previuos lesson. Writes down on the board all the pronouns the S mention.
Write down the topic to their exercise books. Write down the translations. Answer the T’s questions.
To catch the Ss’ attention. To recall the pronouns.


5 min
Bertfore starting to read the text, the T engages the S into a kind of discussion. The T asks some questions. (What are the reasons why people work).

Answer the T questions. Take active participation. The S share their ideas.
To encourage the S to speak. To develop critical thinking.

While reading

3-4 min
The T asks  the S to read the text on their own. Before that reads the task and asks the S not to forget about the question given in the exercise. After that asks whether the S understood all the words.
The S work on their own. Answer the question and finally, asks about the unknown vocbulary.
To encourage the S to concentrate and find out the answer. To develop reading skills.


5 min
Asks the S to read the task of Ex.2/or reads the task  herself. The T asks one the S to read the first sentence in the text without saying the words in red. Asks if the sentence makes sence without the words in red. Clarifies the concept of whether the sentence make sentence or not by giving specific examples.
One of the S reads the first sentence without the words in red. Answers if the sentence makes sense
To check the Ss’ understanding.


5 min
The T encourages the S to look at exercise 2. Explains the task and gives several minutes to complete it. Asks to read and check.

The S complete the task. Look for the clause from the exercise 1.
To check the S understanding. To settle the theory on non-defining relative clause.


4 min
The T asks the S to do the exercise 4 in order to settle the rules in practice. Asks to do the task individually and checks after a while.
The S do the exercise. After that they star checking and correcting mistakes at once. Ask about unknow vocabulary.
To use the rules in practice.



5 min
Explains the task of exercise 5. The T asks to combine the two simple sentences  to make one. The T reads the example. Check together with the S after several minutes.
The S complete the task. Ask questions and correct the mistakes.
To check the S understanding of the rules on both type of clauses.



Setting homework

Summarise the outcome of the lesson. Asks the S if they have learn something new and what they can do.  The T sets homework and reminds about the topic they have to write for the next time. Say goodbye to the S.
The S answer the T’s questions. Write down their homework.
To get the feedback.

This is the plan for the one of the first individual lessons. As i remember the lesson went well. I managed to achieve all the aims. My voice was good, I spoke quite loud and I did not get any negative remarks. We did all the activities  which were supposed to be done. Moreover, I did not have any problems with classroom management. The atmosphere was pleasant and friendly. The students were silent and seemed interested in the topic. Talking about my presentation technigues so I think, I presented the topic in a good way, I made a kind of a warm up activity. After that i was clear while explaining the tasks.  All the students knew what they had to do. I was glad that these students were eager to ask questions. The last thing i would like to mention here is that I ended the lesson successfully. I summarised the lesson by asking particular questions, I set the homework and said goodbye to my students.

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