5&6 Plan of Evaluative Lessons / Materials

Class: 1e /1g                                                                                                    Date: 15th Feb 2011
Level: Intermediate
Topic: A Job Interview
Aims:   To introduce questions and answers for job interview;
            To develop speaking and listening skills.
Materials: Student Book, Solutions; Workbook, Solutions (intermediate)

What if

1-2 min
The T greets the S and asks to sit down. The T briefly introduces the plan of the lesson.
The S greet the T and take their seats. Listen to the plan of the lesson.
To create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. To catch the Ss’ attention.

Checking HW

10 min
The T asks to open their workbooks. The T goes round the class and checks whether all the S did their HW. The T marks those who did not do their HW. After that the T asks to read in turns. Corrects the mistakes. Finally, asks whether everything is clear.
The S open their workbooks and show their HW. The S start reading in turns and correct the mistakes at the same time.
To check the Ss’ understanding. To check how the S worked at home.

Introduction to the new topic

1 min
The T introduces the new topic to the class. Writes down on the board A job interview. The T asks about the translation and. Then asks the S to put it down.
The S listen to what the T is saying. The S say how they would translate the name of the topic into Lithuanian.
To catch the Ss’ attention.
Warm up

7 min
The T asks to focus on the photo they can see. After that the T asks the following questions: What is happening in the photograph? How is the boy feeling? What kind of job do you think he is being interviewed for?. After  the T gets the answers she asks to imagine that some friend is going for an interview tomorrow and asks what advice they would give their friend.
The S take a look at the photo they have in the book. They answer the T’s questions. After that the S imagine the situation and share their ideas in turns.
To encourage the S to speak on a given photo – to develop speaking skills. To develop critical thinking.

Listening activity

5 min
The T asks to look at exercise one. Explains that the S have to listen to the dialogue and read it at once. After that the T asks about unknown words and encourages to focus on the job advertisements. The T asks which job did callum apply for.
The S listen to what the T is saying. Then they listen carefully to the dialogue and read it at once. After that they read all the three job advertisements aloud. The S nswer the question from the exercise.
To develop listening skills. To check whether the S understood everything they had heard.


3-5 min
The T asks one of the S to read the task of exercise 2. Explains once again what they have to do. Asks to find out the phrases in the dialogue in ex. 1. The T asks to work individually and checks the answers after a while. Also the T asks about some other words which might be unknown for the S.
One of the S is asked to read the task aloud.The S listen to the T and start doing the exercise. Check after a while by reading one by one.
To expand the Ss’ vocabulary. To introduce some useful phrases.



Pronunciation activity

5-7 min
The T explains the following task. The T plays the recording once for the S. Then asks them to listen to the intonation and decide in which of the questions it goes up at the end. After that, if the the S are confused about the intonation and cannot fond the answers, the T helps them and explains when the intonation goes up at the end.
The S listen to the recording once. Before that they are asked to underline the questions. Think about the intonation and try to answer the questions.
To develop listening skills. To present the rules on the pronunciation of YES/NO and WH-questions.



5 min
Before the T plyas the recording, she explains the following task. The S have to match the definitions with the 4 jobs in the box. After that the T plays the recording and asks which of the four jobs it is.
The S liesten to what the T is explaining about the task. Match the definitions with the jobs. Listen to the recording and answer the question.
To develop listening skills. To expand the Ss’ vocabulary.

Setting HW

3 min
The T asks what the S have learnt today. Asks what they can do now. After that the T asks to write down their HW for the next time. Finally, says goodbye to the S.
The S   answer the T’s questions. They write down their HW for the next time. Lastly, they say goodbye to the T.
To get feedback.