Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Plan for the Individual Lesson I + Self Evaluation I

Class: 1e                                                                                                          Date: 3rd Feb 2011
Level: Intermediate
Topic: Relative Clauses (Non-defining Relative Clauses)
Aims:   To consolidate the rules  on the Non-defining Relative Clauses
            To use the rules of  the Non-defining Relative Clauses in practice
Materials: Student book, Solutions (Intermediate)
                 Workbook, Solutions  (Intermediate)
                 English Grammar in Use (Second Edition), Raymond Murphy
                 (Unit 94/95 – Relative Clauses (4/5) “Extra Information” Clauses (1/2))

What if
10:20                                   min
    1 min
Greets the students and asks to sit down.
Greet the teacher.
To create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

10:21 min
Checking homework

   10 min
Checks whether all the students did their homework. Marks those who did not do. Checks together with the students.
Show their homework and start reading in turns
To check the students understanding. To check how the students worked at home.

10:31 min

10 min
Teacher asks the students to open their books at pg. 112. Asks someone to read the task. Explains one more time and starts doing the task with the students. Asks whether the students understand everything.

Open their books. One of the students reads the task. Start doing the exercise. Answer the teacher’s question.
To check if the students understand Non-defining Relative Clauses. To use the rules in Practice.


5-10 min
Asks the students to open their books at pg. 131. Translates the title of the activity (Agent Nouns). Asks someone to read the task and LEARN THIS box. Translates some unknown words into Lithaunian. Asks to complete the task.
Open their books. Write down what the teacher translates for them. One of the students reads LEARN THIS box. Do the exercise.
To expand the learners’ vocabulary. To expand the learners’ knowledge on the suffixes which help to form agents.

10:51 min

3-5 min
Asks the students to open their books at pg. 27. Asks to look at Ex. Number 7. explains the task and tells them to work in pairs for several minutes. Asks some students to provide theirs answers.
Open their books. Listens carefully. Start doing the exercise. Some students demonstrade their ability to make sentences with extra information. (Non-defining Relative Clauses).
To check and one more time to consolidate the rules on the Non-defining Relative Clauses. To apply the rules in practice. To check students’ understanding.


5-7 min
Gives in some more additional exercises on the Non-defining Relative Clauses. Explains the task and starts doing it at once.

The students take a look at the exercise. Listen to what they have to do and start doing it in turns.
To check if the students understand the same topic just taken from another source. To check the students’ understanding.

11:03 min

Setting homework

2 min
Asks the students to write down their homework for the next time. Asks to do pg. 25 in their workbooks. Says goodbye to the students.
Asks whether everything is clear and if the students have learnt something new.
Write down their homework. Say goodbye to the teacher. Answer the teacher’s questions.
To make clear the learners know the Non-defining Relative Clauses.

 Class 1e is the class of boys where I usually have some (a lot of) problems. Still I decided to make a plan and evaluate myself. It is quite strange that today the lesson was successful and we managed to work durnig the hole lesson. I am quite satisfied with my professional attitude and my voice. Even my mentor told me that after the lesson. My pronunciation was clear and I did not have to repeat anything. I think I was quite sensible to my students, maybe sometimes i did not react in a proper way. Also I tried to keep eye contact with all the students. I asked how they are, did they understand everything. I think I made clear for the students what the aims and objectives of the lesson were. Finally, I managed to complete my lesson plan and finish the lesson in a proper way.
After the lesson i got a feedback from my mentor and finally, I left the classroom with a smile on my face. She praised me and told me that I managed to create a friendly atmosphere. She was satisfied that all the students had a chance to speak at the lesson. Also, she liked that I corrected the pronunciation of more difficult words immediately.
In conclusion, I would like to say that today I made a huge work because i did not think I would cope with those boys and finally, I managed to it.

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