Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Plan for the Individual Lesson II + Self Aevaluation II

Class: 1e                                                                                                          Date: 7th Feb 2011
Level: Intermediate
Topic: Reversing Roles
Aims:   To develop lateral thinking
            To develop speaking and reading skills
Materials: Student book, Solutions (Intermediate)
                 Workbook, Solutions  (Intermediate)

What if
08:30                                   min
    1-2 min
Greets the students and asks to sit down. Presents the plan of the lesson.
Greet the teacher and sit down. Listen to the plan of lesson.
To create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. To catch the Ss’ attention.

08:32 min
Checking homework

   10 min
Checks whether all the students did their homework. Marks those who did not do. Checks together with the students. After each exercose the T asks whethereverything is clear.
Show their homework and start reading in turns. Answer the T’s questions after each exercise.
To check the students’ understanding. To check how the students worked at home.

08:42 min
Warm up

The T introduces a new topic. The T translates the topic “Reversing Roles” into Lithuanian. Asks to write it down.
After that the T writes down puzzle story on the board. The T asks one of the S to read it out. Finally, the T asks why it is so.

Listen to what the T is saying. Take notes. Take a look at the board and follow while one of the S is reading the puzzle story. Try to find out te answer to the question.
To develop lateral thinking. To encourage the S to speak.

Warm up
  2 min
Asks to look at exercise one. Asks about possible reasons. If  the S do not guess the right answer, the T tells them the answer. The T asks why it is difficult for many people to get the answer right.
One of the S is asked to read out the second puzzle story. Others are trying to answer the question. The S try to find out the answer for the question from the exercise 2.
To develop lateral thinking and encourage the S to speak.
To develop speaking skills.

08:48 min


2 min
Asks to look at the photos and tries to involve the S to make the to speak about the jobs that are shown in the pictures. Asks to describe what they can see. The T asks to use active vocabulary from the box. Before that the T together wit the S translates all the unknown words. Finally, asks to answer the question given in the task.
The S look at the photos. Answer all the T’s questions. The S write down all the translated words.
To develop speaking skills. To use the new vocabulary in practice.

08:50 min


15 min
Introduces the exercise number four. Asks the S to read the text quickly in order to find out the answer to the question in the task. Before the S start reading the text the T writes down several unknown words on the board, explains them and asks to have them in mind while reading. The main task here is to find out about people’s reactions. After the T finds out all the answers, she asks to concentrate on the vocabulary use in the text. Translates the words together with the S.
Write down the unknown words, start reading the text. Find out about people’s reactions. Do not concentrate on the vocabulary. The S tell all the answers and only then start analysing the vocabulary.
To develop reading skills and to expand the Ss’ vocabulary at the same time.

09:05 min


7 min
Presents/explains the next task. The S have to decide if the sentences are true or false. The T highlights that the S have to correct the sentences that are false. The T aks to start reading the sentences in turns.
Listen carefully and start doing the exercise. The S do it individually and start checking after 2-3 minutes, read in turns.
To check the Ss’ understanding about the text.

09:12 min

Short comment

1 min
The T makes a short comment about the text. Asks whether everything is clear. Asks what they have learnt and what they can do.
Answer the T’s questions. Say what they have learnt and what they can do.
To get the feedback and to check Ss’ understanding.

09:13 min

Setting homework

2 min
Asks to write down their homework for the next time (workbook pg.26). The T says goodbye to the S.
Write down their homework and say goodbye to the T.

I guess I succeeded this time.  All the aims of my plan were achieved. I tried to involve all the students and actually they were involved. Of course, some students still were talking and disturbing but anyway I managed to maintain better discipline this time. The most obviuos thing is that I am starting to get used to speaking louder. This means I had better command of voice. I tried to be as clear as I could. Moreover, I explained all the tasks, I set the objectives and tried to achieve them. Least but not last, I managed to create a friendly atmosphrere and to keep it till the end of the lesson. Finally, I ended the lesson by questions like what the students have learnd and if they have learnt something new and interesting.

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