Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Plan for the Individual Lesson III +Self Evaluation III

Class: 1a                                                                                                          Date: 9th Feb 2011
Level: Intermediate
Topic: Reversing Roles/A Job Interwiev
Aims:  To develop speaking skills; To introduce separable and inseparable phrasal verbs.
            To introduce a new vocabulary – questions and answers for a job interwiev.
Materials: Student book, Solutions Intermediate
                 Workbook, Solutions

What if
09.25                     min

    2 min
The T greets the S and asks to sit down. The T presents the plan of the lesson.
The S greet the T and sit down.
To create a pleasant atmosphere. To catch the Ss’ attention.

09:27 min
  10 min
The T asks to open their workbooks, checks whether all the S did it. The T marks those who did not do. The T asks to concentrate and start checking. Asks to read in turns. While the S are reading, the T is correcting mistakes. Also, the T checks whether the S translated unknown words from the text.
Open their workbooks and show thir homework. The S start reading in  turns. Correct the mistakes and translate the words if they did not do that at home.
To check Ss understanding. To chck how the S worked at home.

09:37 min

 7 min (10 min)
Teacher asks to open their books at pg. 29. Asks one of the S to read the task (Ex. 8). Explains that the S have to join into pairs and discuss all the three questions. After a while the T asks to share their opinions.
Open their books. One of the S is asked to read the task. The S work in pairs and discuss the questions using English. After that they are asked to share the things they had discussed.
To develop speaking skills. To develop critical thinking.

9:44 min
Presentation (separable and inseparable phrasal verbs)


10 min

The T asks to open their books at pg. 131. Translates the both terms and asks the Ss’ to write it down. Starts reading and examining te rules together with the S. After that the T explains te exercise on separable and inseparable phrasal verbs. The T does the exercise together with the S.
The S open their books at particular pg. Write down the translated terms. The S start reading and explaining the rules together with the T. After that the S satrt doing the exercise and again the T is helping a bit for them.
To intoduce/to present separable and inseparable phrasal verbs. To use the rules in practice.

Introduction to the new topic

1 min
The T writes down the title of the new topic on the board “A Job Interwiev”. Asks about the translation. After that the T asks to put it down.
The S listen carefully. Say the translation and write it down.
To catch the Ss’ attention.

Warm up

5 min
The T asks the S to focus on the photo they can see. The T asks what is happening in the photo. Also the T asks some additional questions: how is the boy feeling?, what kind of job do you think he is being interwieved for? After that the T asks to imagine that some friend is going for an interview tomorrow. Finally, the T asks to think what advice they would give their friend.

The S concentrate on the photo. They think for a while and answer the T’s questions. Imagine the situation and present their advice.
To encourage the S to speak on a particular o develop critical thinking.

10:01 min


 3 min
The T summarises the lesson by asking what the S have learnt, if they have found out something new and interesting.
The S say their opinion (almost all the S are asked to answer the questions.
To get feedback. To summarise the work of the lesson. To check the Ss’ understanding.

10:03 min


 1 min
The T wishes to have a nice day and says goodbye to the S.
The S say goodbye to the T.

In my opinion I made a progress. My voice is almost good. Of course, when I get confuced something is going wrong with it but on the whole I am satisfied. Talking about this lesson it went quite well. It was ordinary. We were working according my plan. I think we managed to cover the topic Reversing Roles quite well. The students were involved and i think interested. I managed to maintain good discipline with this class so there was no problem with the classroom management. At the beginning, I was clear about the aims and objectives of the lesson. I found it very useful setting them before we got start working. In this way the students learn about what we are going to do and what they are going to be able to do with that. As I had already mentioned, I made a progress but still I am not satisfied with my  presentation technigues. Sometimes I got really confused and misunderstanding took place. Of course, I am trying to do my best and be as clear as I can. I finished the lesson successfully by summarising everything we did.

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